Thursday 15 January 2009

the power of appreciation

source : Daily Encounter by Dick Innes (
date published : 15 Jan 2009

"But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness." (Hebrews 3:13)

In "Character Counts" Michael Josephson shares how the students at Sandy's high school were badly shaken by the news that a classmate had just committed suicide. He left a note saying, "It's hard to live when nobody cares if you die." Realizing this was both a traumatic event that needed to be confronted and a teachable moment, a teacher talked to the students about how important it is that people feel valued. So, he told them to imagine they were about to die. Then he gave an assignment: "Write a note to tell someone how important he or she is to you."

Sandy, who had a rocky relationship with her mother, was especially moved by the idea that she might die without telling her mom how important she was, so she wrote a note: "We've had some rough times and I know I haven't been a very good daughter but I know I'm lucky to have you in my life. You are the best person I've ever known. Thanks for not giving up on me." She told her mom about the assignment and gave her the note. Her mom cried and hugged Sandy but said little.

The next morning Sandy found a note on her mirror. "Dearest daughter," it said, "I want you to know how much you are valued. Being your mother is the most important thing in my life. The truth is I've felt like such a failure I was seriously considering ending it all. I thought you'd be better off without me. Your appreciation makes my life worth living."

Be careful not to underestimate the power of expressed appreciation. As Sandy learned, it can make a big difference.

nothing can separate us from the love of God,

Monday 5 January 2009

strength from storms

source : Daily Encounter by Dick Innes (
date published : 9 Dec 2008

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature & complete, not lacking anything." (James 1:2-4)

"The strongest trees grow not beneath the glass of a conservatory or in the sheltered and sunny valleys. The stoutest timber stands on Norwegian rocks, where tempests rage and long, hard winters reign." (Encyclopedia of Sermon Illustrations)

I've never been to Norway nor have I felt the hard, long winters there, but I have lived where winds blow furiously. When planting young trees, it was important not to stake them too tightly. Staking them loosely (when they were little), the winds caused them to develop and deepen a strong root system they needed to stand the powerful winds when they had grown. We had some trees break, but none ever fell. And where they were broken, they grew again, strong and healthy.

Life's like that. If we overprotect our children when they are young, they will not be equipped to withstand the challenges of life when the winds of adversity strike. And, as adults all of us need the storms of life to help us grow and become healthy and strong in character—or we can allow them to make us bitter rather than better—but that choice is ours.

nothing can separate us from the love of God,

Thursday 1 January 2009

work in progress

We are a work in progress,
A piece of clay in the Potter's hand,
Molded and shaped by dire stress,
According to the Master's Plan.

Like a diamond in the rough,
Forged by fire to make it tough,
Or the rosebush that refuses to bloom;
Blossoms abundantly when it is pruned.

At times when things are going our way,
We neglect to take much time to pray.
It’s the hardships that we trod,
Which draw us closer to our God.

Trials and problems are the tools
That the Potter decides to use,
To chisel and refine the piece of clay,
Forming and shaping it His own way.

The piece of clay sometimes resists,
The Potter's firm but loving touch,
Which is when the Potter insists,
"This piece of clay is just too much!"

Trials and sufferings are meant to build,
Our character into the image of God,
At times we fail to see the good,
For trials are often misunderstood.

These trials we may not understand,
Failing to see that it's God's hand,
Working to produce in us,
More fruits unto righteousness.

Some burdens we can’t comprehend,
And feel the need to tell a friend,
"Share them with Me," the Lord does say,
"I'm waiting for you to come and pray.”

As the Potter continues to correct,
The resistant clay that He doesn’t reject,
Persistently working to soften that clay,
It finally yields to the Potter's way.

So the Lord works in our life,
As we go through toil and strife,
When we yield in faith and prayer,
We receive blessings from our Savior.

nothing can separate us from the love of God,