Tuesday, 10 March 2009

feel like giving up?

I used to read RBC's Our Daily Bread as my daily devotional until I switched to RBC's Our Daily Journal since its debut in 2008. ODJ is written for the more spiritually matured Christian (that's my opinion) as its writings are deeper & more thought-provoking. I will like to share what I read today.

#1 and done

Source : Our Daily Journey devotional
Writer : Tom Felten
Publisher : RBC Ministries
Date : Thur 10 Mar 2009
Bible Passage : 1 Kings 19:1-15

"I have had enough, Lord," he said. "Take my life." (1 Kings 19:4)

"I was at the end of the road. I leave with my head held high.”

Tennis star Justine Henin expressed those thoughts during a press conference last year —announcing her immediate retirement from the sport. All athletes eventually hang up the sneakers, but not when they’re just 25 years old and ranked No. 1 in the world!

So why did Justine quit? Personal struggles off the court in 2007 and performance struggles on it during 2008 were likely contributors to her early career closure.

Not many of us will play professional tennis. But we all identify with Justine Henin’s desire to quit. Whether in a difficult relationship or struggling with a dead-end job or depression, we can feel like giving up.

Just ask Elijah. He knew that sinking feeling.

Shortly after the prophet experienced the amazing intervention of God in defeating the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18:38-40), he was seriously ready to call it quits. Why? A ruthless queen named Jezebel had threatened to kill him (19:2). Things weren’t going his way, and pride caused him to think he shouldn’t have to endure this personal attack (vv.10,14).

So Elijah bolted for the wilderness. Feeling defeated and deeply troubled, he prayed, “I have had enough, Lord. . . . Take my life” (v.4). God responded by tenderly feeding him (v.8), sheltering him (v.9), and teaching him (vv.11-13). His “gentle whisper” (v.12) of instruction revealed that He sometimes does things in amazing ways and other times in quiet ways. God then sent Elijah back to finish the work—Jezebel or no Jezebel.

Are you discouraged today because God hasn’t “come through” in a big, amazing way for you? Be still and turn your eyes to Him. He will help you keep going — though He may choose to do it in a quiet, unexpected way.

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