Thursday, 15 May 2008

aim and purpose

Cancer is a disease all of us find hard to accept when it hits us. Nobody wants to get cancer. We make an effort to eat well & live well to avoid getting cancer. We buy every health book on cancer. We read every page & follow every prescription that suggests how we can avoid getting cancer. And yet we are the ones who end up getting cancer.

Do you feel this describes you? Then we are in the same boat travelling along the same journey. Jesus is in the boat with us too. We have the same purpose with the same destination. As we travel on this boat together, we will fix our eyes on Jesus & trust Him to row us safely to our destination. This is a painful journey as there will be occasional storms along the way but we know that Jesus will calm the storms that come upon our lives.

The aim of this blog is to bring God's comfort to Christians who are suffering & hurting from cancer. In the midst of our suffering, I pray that we can see God in every circumstance of our lives and believe that God can use our suffering for His glory. As we experience God's comfort, I pray that we will comfort others with the comfort we ourselves have received from God (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).

Whether you have just begun your journey or are still travelling this painful journey, be assured that you are not travelling alone. There are many of us in the boat with you. Most important, Jesus is with us. Are you ready to begin this journey with me?

nothing can separate us from the love of God,

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